We are proud
of our origins
The rural world
We are farmers.
Our roots are here.
In the fields of Castile. Here we live and work.
This land provides us with all that we produce.
It is all we are.
Your farm is your future
To work in the agri-food sector means to work the land, look after it and respect it; and at ACH we are committed to it. We believe in the land and in its potential, and we are committed to it.
We make it through a program aimed at all the farmers that wish to revitalise their farms: Your farm is your future.
Your farm is your future provides:

Technical support
for the building
of new farms.
A guarantee of its viability
through an integration contract.
All the advantages of pertaining
to a great and consolidated business group like ACH.
This strategic plan allows the repopulation of the rural world.
We innovate every day to make our farms more sustainable and efficient. This is a proof of our commitment to the land and our people.
“Eating healthy
from childhood”
We are committed to a healthy nutrition. At Cárnicas Chico we want to show to the children the importance of a balanced diet and of physical exercise to prevent child obesity.

“Eating healthy from childhood” is a local educational program aimed at pre-school children who live in the county of La Ribera del Duero in which the problems caused by a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle are explained in a dynamic and amusing way.

Social initiatives
by Agroalimentaria Chico
At ACH we are committed to our region
and to the people that live in it.
Due to this we do our bit, and we are part of solidary initiatives such as the annual race “En Marcha contra el Cáncer” (“Up and running against cancer”), in which we collaborate with the AECC – Spanish Association Against Cancer, sponsoring this race to help in the research against cancer.
We have also collaborated with organisations such as The Red Cross, to who we donated medical supplies kits; and with the charity Cáritas Aranda de Duero, helping families without resources. All this thanks to our #JamónSolidario – Solidary ham project.
Thanks to your collaboration
we can continue with this task
The Ribera del
Duero county
The Ribera del Duero county
witnessed our birth
and sees us grow.

Here, our ancestors sowed their dreams.
Today, those hopes are still growing in the same fields and landscapes.
We are committed to this land.
A unique place that represents the way we are. Our distinguishing feature.
The environment
We return to the land everything that it gives to us.
Taking care of the environment where we work is the basis of our development. The land gave us a great opportunity, and with it a great responsibility.
Our commitment with the environment is not just another label, and we show it through actions like:
- The efficient use of the available resources.
- Planting trees in the surroundings of our farms
- Environmentally friendly slurry management.
- Use of organic fertilisers to fertilise our fields in a natural way.
- Implementation of renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Reduction of the environmental impact through the improvement of the production efficiency, as in the case of our new farrowing/lactation area at the ‘El Bardal’ farm, where animal welfare, sustainability and production efficiency go first.