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We want you to know us better, and therefore we are going to tell you about our history. Do you want to come with us?

At Agroalimentaria Chico we are a great family bound to our region, and we have been working with great passion in the meat and pig sector for 3 generations, specialising in the Duroc breed. And we do not stay still even for a minute!

ACH is the evolution of a family that has founded three companies to englobe all the process of the production and sale of pork products.


This is where where everything started!

In Miguel Chico’s and Justina Galindo’s hometown, Tejares de Fuentidueña (in the province of Segovia), the first company of the business group (S.A.T Hermanos Chico) was founded on 20 September 1968, and it carried on with their founder’s farms.

We raise pigs, we market them and we also produce our own feed in our headquarters, in Aranda de Duero. We currently have more than 100 Duroc farms!

Chico Duroc - Agroalimentaria Chico

We have arrived in Burgos and we are in our second generation.

By the mid 1970’s, the first sow farm was built in (Burgos). In 1983 we took a great step forward with the founding of Hermanos Chico Galindo SA, that started to manage the Aranda de Duero municipal slaughterhouse, that distributes fresh pork to several meat plants and factories in all Spain.

The third generation has just started.

The innovation and adaption to your needs is one of our hallmarks. Because of this, and with the aim of integrating all the production processes from the origin until you enjoy any of our Duroc products, Cárnicas Chico was born in 2011.We always have a sustainable growth in mind, generating synergies that guarantee the viability of our project and the sustainability of all our actions.

It is the youngest company in our business group… for the time being.

Let us not forget about our shop in Aranda de Duero. There you will find our Chico Duroc products: the best fresh pork arriving directly to your table.

Agroalimentaria Chico - Carnicas Chico - Duroc - Chico Duroc - La Granja de Chico

Here we want to make a small homage to all those who have made possible this story, that is full of hope, honesty, perseverance and a great effort.

The dream of a family that takes care of the future of the rural areas.

Thanks to you all for joining us in our journey.